
Kind: global class

new Database (connection, [loader], [driverConfig])

A database connection.

Param Type Description
connection Object | String A pg connection object or a connection string.
[loader] Object Filter definition for including and excluding database objects. If nothing is specified, Massive loads every table, view, and function visible to the connection's user.
[loader.scripts] String Override the Massive script file location (default ./db).
[loader.documentPkType] String Override default data type (serial), set for DocumentTable primary key 'id', e.g. 'uuid'
[loader.uuidVersion] String If documentPkType is set to 'uuid', set which UUID version to use, e.g. 'uuid_generate_v1', 'uuid_generate_v4', etc. Default is 'uuid_generate_v4'
[loader.allowedSchemas] Array | String Table/view schema whitelist.
[loader.whitelist] Array | String Table/view name whitelist.
[loader.blacklist] Array | String Table/view name blacklist.
[loader.exceptions] Array | String Table/view blacklist exceptions.
[loader.functionWhitelist] Array | String Function name whitelist.
[loader.functionBlacklist] Array | String Function name blacklist.
[loader.enhancedFunctions] Boolean Streamline function return values.
[loader.excludeFunctions] Boolean Ignore functions entirely.
[loader.excludeMatViews] Boolean [DEPRECATED] Ignore materialized views.
[driverConfig] Object pg-promise configuration object.

database.attach (entities) ⇒ Array

Attach an entity to the connected instance.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Array - All added entities.

Param Type Description
entities Object | Array New Entity or list of Entities to add to the instance.

database.detach (entityPath)

Forget an entity.

Kind: instance method of Database

Param Type Description
entityPath String Path to the entity.

database.clean ()

Remove all attached entities from the instance, returning it to the pre- introspection state.

Kind: instance method of Database

database.getIntrospectors () ⇒ Promise

Get the SQL scripts used to introspect the database.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Promise - A promise resolving into a name:QueryFile map.

database.reload () ⇒ Promise

Synchronize the database API with the current state by scanning for tables, views, functions, and scripts. Objects and files which no longer exist are cleared and new objects and files added.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Promise - The refreshed database.

database.serverAtLeast (target) ⇒ Boolean

Determine whether the connected PostgreSQL server is of at least the specified version. Used for automatically enabling features in the loaders, notably procedures (in the function loader) and materialized views.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Boolean - Whether the target version has been matched or exceeded.

Param Type Description
target String Target version to match or exceed.

database.listTables () ⇒ Array

List all the tables attached to the connected instance.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Array - A list of table paths.

database.listViews () ⇒ Array

List all the views attached to the connected instance.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Array - A list of view paths.

database.listFunctions () ⇒ Array

List all the functions and scripts attached to the connected instance.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Array - A list of function paths.

database.listSequences () ⇒ Array

List all the non-pk sequences attached to the connected instance.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Array - A list of sequence names.

database.query (query, [params], [options]) ⇒ Promise

Execute a query.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Promise - Query results.

Param Type Description
query Statement | String One of the four statement objects, or a string containing a prepared SQL statement.
[params] Array An array of the prepared statement parameters, if applicable.
[options] Object If using raw SQL, a subset of query options may be applied.
options.document Boolean This is a query against a document table.
options.single Boolean True to return a single result object instead of an array of results. Boolean True to return a stream instead of a resultset.

database.withConnection (callback, [options]) ⇒ Promise

Begin a task, returning a copy of the connected instance which will route all queries made in the callback through the task scope.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Promise - A promise for the completed task, which will be fulfilled if it succeeds and commits or rejected if it rolls back.

Param Type Description
callback function A callback containing Massive API calls and SQL queries to be made within the task scope.
[options] Object Task options.

database.withTransaction (callback, [options]) ⇒ Promise

Begin a transaction, returning a copy of the connected instance which will route all queries made in the callback through the transaction scope.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Promise - A promise for the completed transaction, which will be fulfilled if it succeeds and commits or rejected if it rolls back.

Param Type Description
callback function A callback containing Massive API calls and SQL queries to be made within the transaction scope.
[options] Object Transaction options.

database.clone (conn) ⇒ Database

Clones the database handle for a task or transaction, replacing the internal instance with a dedicated connection.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Database - A cloned database object.

Param Type Description
conn Object pg-promise task or transaction object.

database.createExtension (extensionName) ⇒ Promise

Create an extension.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Promise - A promise which resolves when the extension has been created.

Param Type Description
extensionName String A valid extension name. Example 'uuid-ossp'

database.dropExtension (extensionName) ⇒ Promise

Drop an extension.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Promise - A promise which resolves when the extension has been droped.

Param Type Description
extensionName String A valid extension name. Example 'uuid-ossp'

database.saveDoc (collection, doc) ⇒ Promise

Save a document.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Promise - The saved document.

Param Type Description
collection String Document table name to save to. If it does not already exist, it will be created.
doc Object JSON document.

database.saveDocs (collection, docs) ⇒ Promise

Save multiple documents.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Promise - The saved documents.

Param Type Description
collection String Document table name to save to. If it does not already exist, it will be created.
docs Object JSON documents.

database.createDocumentTable (location) ⇒ Promise

Create a new document table and attach it to the Database for usage.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Promise - The added table.

Param Type Description
location String Name of the table to create. Unless the schema is specified in a qualified path, current schema (usually 'public') is assumed.

database.dropTable (tablePath, options) ⇒ Promise

Drop a table and remove it from the Database.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Promise - A promise which resolves when the table has been removed.

Param Type Description
tablePath String Path to the table (including schema, if not public).
options Object Additional options.
options.cascade Boolean True to drop any objects that depend on the table.

database.createSchema (schemaName) ⇒ Promise

Create a new schema in the database.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Promise - A promise which resolves when the schema has been added.

Param Type Description
schemaName String A valid schema name.

database.dropSchema (schemaName, options) ⇒ Promise

Drop a schema and remove it and its owned objects from the Database.

Kind: instance method of Database
Returns: Promise - A promise which resolves when the schema and all owned objects have been removed.

Param Type Description
schemaName String A valid schema name to remove.
options Object Additional options.
options.cascade Boolean True to drop any objects that depend on the schema.